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David Naczycz
CEO, NYC/DC Urban Adventures & North America Tour Hub
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Member for 9 Years
Joined May 2015
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About me

I am the founder of NYC Urban Adventures (formerly known as Urban Oyster Tours) and I am also an owner in other Urban Adventures locations such as Washington DC, Miami, Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, and New Orleans. My mission is to transform the way people travel. I believe travel should nurture and grow both individuals and communities. Unfortunately, most travel does not offer that kind of experience. With Urban Adventures we have created unique, small group experiences that are fun and interesting for travelers but that also help to nurture local business and support local communities. I am also active in the sustainable travel movement as a business owner, a traveler and an advocate.

I currently reside in Brooklyn, NY and was born and raised just outside of Detroit, MI.

Why did you join the community?

I'm already a regular attendee of Travel Massive's here in NYC. I own a local tour company called Urban Oyster Tours

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Greece, India, Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong

What was your first travel job?

The one I have now. Owner of Urban Oyster Tours

What do you want to learn more about?

Other cultures, their food, drink, and traditions.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Learn, Grow, Enjoy