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Houssem Belloum
Manager and tourist guide, Sidetour Tourism and Travel Agency
Member for 4 Years
Joined May 2020
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About me

Merhaba, ya su! I am Houssem, born Tunisian, graduated from a German university and guiding in Cyprus. Somehow confused? Well, welcome to my world! So, let me introduce myself in the Cypriot way: yavaş yavaş, siga siga, piano piano. . .

I grew up in Tunisia in a mixture of Arabic and French culture. As a result of successful national final exams (bac / A level), I got a full scholarship to study Computer Sciences in Germany. After my studies, I settled in Cyprus and started managing the family-owned Sidetour Tourism and Travel agency in Kyrenia.

Trying to promote special interest tourism (in opposition to mass tourism), I came to the conclusion, that I could prepare the best tailor-made, experience-rich programs and excursions, but it would not help much, if they are not delivered accordingly. So I decided to deliver by myself and got the license for guiding in North Cyprus!

This time, there was no scholarship to get, but I worked hard to be the highest ranked of the year. I wanted to show that being Cypriot is not about genealogy, it is about a life style! It is a philosophy of blending influences to something unique. When facing some Late Bronze Age ceramics, I often think: may be Anatolian, may be Greek, but 100% Cypriot!

I am neither a native Cypriot, nor a Turk nor a Greek. And this gives me the required objectivity to break taboos and speak about the modern history of the country as well as its earliest beginnings: a no-hate approach to the history of a conflict, which still divides the heart of the island. No politics, I just do not ignore the elephant in the room. . .

In the 13 years I lived in Cyprus, I got fascinated by this country, by the richness of its history and the unique mixtures of its art: Roman mosaics in early Christian basilicas, Gothic arches in Orthodox monasteries, Ottoman Hammams out of medieval churches. . .

Why did you join the community?

Company account required as Manager at Sidetour Tourism and Travel Agency in Northern Cyprus

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Manager at travel agency

What do you want to learn more about?

online selling platforms

Three words that describe why we should travel?

entertain, impress, educate
