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Muthuri Kinyamu
Co-founder, Turnup.Travel
🔥 Top 21%
Joined 22 May, 2017
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About me

Turnup.Travel started off as a tour operator specifically offering themed experiences in Kenya for new age travellers. Over time, we've set up three pillars like a traditional three-legged African stool that defines how we interact with places.

Destinations & Commerce: We curate unique experiences to immerse you in the beauty, attractions and activities in the place with our full exposure packages. When you're looking for something more than a flight or hotel, we plug in our secret sauce to transform your dreams into memories but that said, we do ticketing and hotel bookings as well.

Conservation, CSR and community: As we travel, we interact first hand with communities, experience challenges and see realities of those on the other side. We realized we have power to inspire people to action, educate our audiences and work public, commercial, non-profit brands and personalities to bring impact to communities. We've done tree planting in Aberdares, donated proceeds of our city tours to the homeless of Nairobi, worked with KWS for Children for Wildlife to give kids an educational wildlife tour and design conservation-themed tours. There's more and we invite you to work with us to give back to the community and support noble causes. We do due diligence and document progress.

Let's work together to amplify your next CSR project and participate.

See an example of a tree planting exercise organized by Turnup for Good in partnership with Miti Alliance & Peperuka. Turnup.Travel promoted a package and Turnup in Motion filmed the

Watch the video

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Why did you join the community?

Did you know that we reward our clients a 5 % finders fee or a discount for every referred sale? If you know someone that needs a unique holiday visiting Kenya, an out of the box CSR proposal or content creation assignment?

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Cape Town

What was your first travel job?

Social media intern

What do you want to learn more about?

Destination marketing

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Go. Do. Be!

