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Joan Mead-Matsui
Freelance Travel Writer, Journalist, Artist and Photographer, Joan Matsui Travel Writer
Member for 8 Years
Joined October 2016
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Clarks Summit
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About me

Journalism found me. I knew I wanted to write for a living but as my public relations career evolved, so did my opportunity to chair a large-scale fundraiser for a proposed children's museum. That event took our community by storm and attracted more than 500 families and the rave reviews led me to steady freelance work for newspapers and magazines. The assignments rolled in, one after another, and today I'm proud to proclaim that I have more than 1,500 published articles to my credit.

Travel writing marked my next step when the print journalism industry went south. After all, who can resist lodging and fine-dining at spa resorts and hotels? I couldn't let that opportunity pass me by without at least giving it a try. Two years of at least one assignment per month grew on me and when my travels led me outside of my comfort zone, I thought, why not? I have a knack for travel journalism and those days on the road gave birth to, a travel and lifestyle blog.

The irony is I found myself scouting destinations that allowed me plenty of outdoor time for fly fishing and hiking and I began to incorporate those activities into my wrap-up stories. It's not a surprise that the brands I work with appreciate my love for outdoor recreation.

Most of us have been adversely affected by COVID-19 and the travel bans took me down another path: celebrity travel interviews and more and more product reviews and collaborations. I'm also a consultant to writers who want to explore journalism and travel writing. Check out my website or send me an email for more information about my Travel Journalists Bistro, an incredible platform that supports and inspires writers.

Why did you join the community?

I'm an experienced travel writer, journalist and photographer and I want to join your incredible network.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Holy moly, I couldn't possibly choose my favorite. Each location has been extraordinary!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

For now, an oceanfront beach house would be extraordinary. Eventually, Japan is on my radar.

What was your first travel job?

My first travel job was a weekend stay at a Pocono Mountains' resort.

What do you want to learn more about?

Domestic and International Travel Opportunities

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Cultural, educational and fun

