Travel Massive is the launchpad to share great ideas in travel (and get feedback) without having to pitch a press release or attend an expensive travel conference 😁
Here’s how it works:
Things you can post on Travel Massive include: Apps, Blogs, Startups, Destinations, Discussions, Places, Festivals and Travel Videos — that are cool and interesting!
We don’t publish existing articles (e.g. already posted on your own blog).
Our audience reaches more than 80,000 travel influencers and industry insiders.
Get started and submit your startup or project today — it’s free.
To be a good fit for our audience your post must meet the following criteria:
If you can answer ‘yes’ to each of these, then you’re heading in the right direction!
You can get published quicker by adhering to the following style guide:
We may make changes to your post to improve readability, and if we need any clarifications we’ll contact you directly with any questions.
As a general rule, we won’t publish spam or click-bait.
Here’s a list of some content we won’t publish — AI Generated Content, Guest blog posts for SEO; Listicles (eg. Top 10 Lists); Articles you already published on your own blog; Outdated Content (eg. written in 2020), Safari or trekking tours; Day Tours; Itineraries; Competitions, surveys, or sweep stakes; Affiliate links or promo codes; Discounted tours or travel deals; Agencies; Generic affiliate/whitelabel websites; Exhibitions or conferences; Credit card or loyalty programs; Products or services that expire soon; Unethical animal shows or experiences (e.g. Elephant riding); Health or medical related products; Multi-level marketing schemes; or anything not aligned with Travel Massive’s values.
We reserve the right to remove any submitted content at our discretion.
If we feel your post is not a good fit for our audience, we won’t publish it.
👉 We are looking for fresh, new, interesting travel content worth sharing — we’re not a travel directory from A-Z. See our homepage for helpful examples.
If your submissions is rejected we’ll give you some feedback or refer you to this guide.
The more upvotes your post receives, the more people will discover it.
Here’s a few tips to increase your reach:
The posts with the most upvotes each week are included in our weekly newsletter.
Members can comment on posts to share their feedback.
We’re a supportive community and value constructive feedback and discussion. Negative or off-topic comments will be deleted. We’re good vibes only! ✌️
Take our short member Q&A and share a little bit about yourself — your answers will be displayed on your profile. It’s a fun way to discover members with similar interests.
Visit your profile settings and choose 🎤 Interview (Q&A) to add your answers.
The blue Verified badge on Travel Massive lets people know that your account is authentic. To receive the blue badge, your account must be authentic (with a real profile picture, completed bio, and socials), related to travel, and active.
Badge sharing is available for members with Verified Accounts.
Add your membership badge on your website or blog, to let people know you’re a member of the Travel Massive community. Visit your profile to share your badge.
The estimated reach badge is awarded to verified members with a minimum combined social and web reach of 10,000. Badges awarded are 🦄 (1M+ total reach), 🚀 (100K+) and 🔥 (10K+). Scores are updated periodically.
Estimated reach is calculated from web, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok.
Add your socials in the 🌎 Links section of your profile settings to be included — changes will take up to 24 hours to be reflected on your profile.
Have questions about hosting an event, or feedback? Contact us.