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Senem Tongar
Travel writer and planner, Uzunincebiryoldayim
Member for 9 Years
Joined June 2015
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About me

Since I know myself, I travel... The first trips of mine had started when I was a few months old. So far, I had the chance to been in 5 continents, 55 countries and more than 250 cities. To follow the trace of history, to find new tastes and to experience the city with its locals are inevitable for me. I always take the road to discover besides I have seen.

Why did you join the community?

Because I love travelling and share my experience about travel

What is your favorite travel destination?

A place with culture, good food and great beaches

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Japan, Galapagos,Hawaii,Australia

Three words that describe why we should travel?

discovery, pleasure, slow down