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Adrian Caruso
Founder, Managing Director, Fastrack Group
🤘 Rockstar
Member for 9 Years
Joined July 2015
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About me

Adrian is the Founder and Managing Director at Fastrack, Australia and New Zealand’s leading travel, tourism and hotel digital marketing agency. Considered a leader in digital business growth and marketing in the tourism, travel and hospitality sectors, Adrian has successfully launched and grown a number of companies in the online, retail, franchise and property space over the last 20+ years. Starting Fastrack Group over 13 years ago Adrian now leads a team of web developers, digital marketing and branding specialists with offices in Auckland, Sydney and Brisbane. Fastrack work with many of Australasia's leading travel and hotel brands with a vision to help client ‘Get More Bookings Direct’.

Adrian regularly speaks at many of the major industry conferences around Asia Pacific as a keynote speaker. He also presents his own workshops, webinars and is the organiser of Australia and New Zealand’s leading accommodation industry conference Maximum Occupancy. See

Adrian has been in the travel and the tourism industry since the day he was born. His father the Hon. Sir Carmelo Caruso OAM AM established one of Australia's first travel and tourism companies back in 1950 in Brisbane, Australia. His family still has several interests in the hotel industry around the country.

Adrian has completed a Bachelor of Business and MBA at QUT. He is also a property developer with interests in both residential, commercial and the hospitality/tourism sector.

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Travel Massive is awesome


