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Alison Blackman
Editor in Chief/Journalist, advice sisters lifestyle web site
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Joined February 2016
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About me

Writer/Advisor Beauty, Lifestyle, Social Media. LOVE a follow!

Alison Blackman Dunham aka. “Advice Sister Alison” and “The Advice Sisters” is a writer, photographer, online advice columnist, and consultant.
She is also the Editor in Chief of and

Her focus is beauty, fashion, lifestyle, travel, tech, food and spirits and entertainment. She has built her reputation by offering readers a unique perspective on life and love. It's all about the things that help make life easier, more successful, more interesting and more fun

Why did you join the community?

looking for inspiration

What is your favorite travel destination?

luxury cruises or anywhere interesting

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Photographic Safari

What was your first travel job? and then Porthole magazine

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

excitement, adventure, curiousity
