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Andres Trujillo
Tour designer, Andres Travels
Member for 3 Years
Joined May 2020
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About me

Andres Trujillo A, is a world-renowned professional naturalist from Bogota Colombia, he is currently living in Quito Ecuador. He is Passionate for wildlife, forests, oceans, music and sharing conservation everywhere he travels.
He focuses his efforts on creating memorable experiences for his clients in nature and sharing with local people in their natural environment. Andres is especially well known for his knowledge of wildlife and culture, his photography, people skills, and love for nature and adventure.
When he arrived from Colombia he was raised in a humid rainforest in the northwest lowlands of Ecuador where he fell in love with nature. After seeing the issue of deforestation as a kid he started spreading the word about sustainability and conservation, years after he studied ecology, and ecotourism working in the amazon rainforest, with nature and indigenous tribes, who played an important role for him to understand and to approach the issue of human development.
Sharing his love for wildlife photography, he can be a great companion for people who want to cover a country capturing special creatures or moments for you to take home.
After he became well known in the tourism business, Andres has taken great number of guests who follow him to every new destination he opens, or to start another crazy idea.
Working as a consultant for many companies he started creating and planning high-end innovative tourism products in several countries of Latin America, lots of tours for birdwatchers, sport fishermen, and high-end adventure tours.
With his camera, binoculars, and all the equipment needed he is now free to share, organize, and show the world the best destinations for nature and adventure that Latin America has to offer.

Why did you join the community?

i'm want join the community because is important work together for recover the industry to post COIVD-19, I have a few ideas for help. pl
