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Angela Liu
Travel vlogger, Angeonaplane
Joined 6 months ago
Member since August 2024
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About me

I'm primarily a travel content creator with a primary platform on YouTube where I share both long and short form videos, but can also capture high quality photography and videography for professional use. I aim to share the authentic travel experience with all its ups and downs, mistakes and mishaps, and provide a realistic lens that while there are challenges during travel, it can enhance the experience and be part of that adventure where you can also grow as a person and learn from the challenge.

In a previous life, I was a medical student and then a UX/UI designer and manager. These skills, both analytical and creative, have translated from understanding the user experience or patient requirements, to determining what fellow travellers may be trying to achieve during their travels and sharing parts of my experience that may aid them and bring delight in their journey.
