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Anja Müller
Travel Blogger, Photographer, Media Designer,
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Member for 6 Years
Joined August 2018
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About me

I'm a travel blogger and passionate photographer. On you find everything about active traveling, wildlife, road trips, urban trips and photography.

I'm also a co-founder of, a community for Berlin travel bloggers with a monthly meetup and cooperations with travel destinations.

Why did you join the community?

to get in contact with others

What is your favorite travel destination?

Africa, Europe, America

Where do you dream of traveling to?

I have an endless list of special places on my mind I like to see and of which I like to take a picture of it: Finland - northern lights, Venezuela - the highest waterfall, Provence - lavender fields by sunset, wherever - swimmung with dolphins ...

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Mind Changing, Learning to understand other cultures

