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Anton Ngui
Village Head, Paganakan Dii
⭐️ Community Leader
Member for 8 Years
Joined January 2017
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About me

I have been in the Tourism and Food & beverage industries in Sabah Malaysia Borneo for the past 10yrs. Located specifically in the Sandakan area which is famous for the Sepilok forest and the 50yr old orang utan rehabilitation centre, I run a jungle lodge (Paganakan Dii tropical retreat), as well as a small family hotel (Nak hotel) in the town centre. My wife and I are also deeply passionate about food and we run a western bistro (Balin rooftop bar & restaurant) as well as a local flavour coffeeshop (San Da Gen kopitiam) in town. Beyond business, I also head a not-for-profit society called Future Alam Borneo which seeks and creates platforms, opportunities and connections for environmental issues to be explored, via the channels of music, art, design, architecture and more. We organise the annual Borneo Rhythms of Rimba Wildlife Festival here too. Beyond the festival platform, we do a variety of experiential education projects which centre around Borneo's environmental topics.

Why did you join the community?

I am interested in networking with creative people and amazing content in the travel sphere globally.

What is your favorite travel destination?

the planet

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Bhutan next

What was your first travel job?

turning round a failed hotel.

What do you want to learn more about?

how we can promote travel, global experiences and give back by preserving our planet's natural heritage.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

open our minds
