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Bach Nguyen
CEO, Asia Lion - Marketing Agency
🔥 Top 23%
Member for 6 Years
Joined April 2018
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About me

Mr. Nguyen Cuong Bach is the Founder of Asia Lion – The pioneering Tourism and International Export Marketing Agency. He is also the Founder of Vietnam Tourism Marketing & Sales Club - the first club on Marketing and Sales in the tourism industry.

After many years of implementation, Asia Lion has helped many clients gain success with our marketing campaigns, increase sales and brand awareness of a variety of tourism products from tours, aircraft, resorts, software, industrial goods... with 8 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian and Vietnamese) to more than 30 countries worldwide. Asia Lion's activities span B2C channels (Website, Google Ads, SEO, Facebook Ads ...) to B2B channels (fairs, events, press...) and international markets.

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