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Kristen Kellogg
founder: filmmaker, creative director, brand storyteller, Border Free Travels
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Member for 8 Years
Joined November 2016
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About me

Exploring rugged to refined, filmmaker, digital storyteller, and travel expert Kristen Kellogg has designed her life for that on the road. Kristen holds a degree in Communication Studies with a focus in Marketing and Public Relations from San Jose State University. Her Wanderlust Website + Content Creation Agency, Border Free Travels, produces and shares highly engaging lifestyle stories and brand campaigns through film, photography, and innovative media tied to travel. She not only creates content but provides consulting to brands and destinations for digital marketing, social media, and modern campaign concepts that will best reach and engage their desired audience.

 Kristen recently produced work for Rosetta Stone, Travel Channel, The Outer Banks, Dominica, and Thailand Tourism, and her work has been featured in a variety of outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, AFAR, MSN, and Microsoft among others. Kristen is a Brand Ambassador for Coola Suncare, is from Southern Illinois, has an obsession with cheese, loves talking to strangers (in person and on Instagram), and feels most at home when she’s not. A Nantucket Island resident, when she’s not on the road, she finds inspiration by literally running around exploring her own backyard.

Why did you join the community?

To meet other travelers and explore opportunities for film collaborations with desintinations

What is your favorite travel destination?

Zermatt, NZ South Island and Dominica

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Eastern Europe, India, Antarctica, Alaska, and more

What was your first travel job?

working with Dominica Tourism Authority on a film camapaign

What do you want to learn more about?

I'd love to learn more about ways to work together with other content creators in destinations

Three words that describe why we should travel?

opens your mind
