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Bruce Byers
Photographer, Camera Odysseys Photographic Adventures
Member for 6 Years
Joined December 2018
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6 events
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About me

Bruce Byers has spent over 35 years perfecting the art of observing. With a wealth of professional experience matched with a sensitive eye, Byers captures his observations photographically with evocative results. The images reflect a range of emotions, immersing the viewer in a world of private moments that most of us would otherwise miss. Unstaged and unstructured, these images reflect spontaneous moments of introspection, isolation, joy, serenity and playfulness. The genuine feelings communicated in Byers work represent the true spirit of life in its everyday guise.
A century and a half ago photographers would spend years preparing expeditions to our remote destinations. We at Camera Odysseys are pleased to be able to visit them at will. That’s particularly exciting because, even though the trips are easier, our destinations are still much the same as they were when legendary pioneers of travel photography like Francis Firth, Samuel Bourne, Linnaeus Tripe and William Young visited them.

...documenting cultures, societies, and individuals, making friends, founding Camera Voyages and taking advantage of extraordinary advances in photography, I decided to up the ante.

Camera Voyages was my first success teaching semi-pro and advanced amateur photographers to expand their comfort zones, and introducing them to my favorite adventures in foreign countries. Camera Odysseys goes a step further. My guides and I are choosing really exciting journeys where we will, for parts of the trips, offer you a chance to embed with real heroes: groups of doctors, aid workers, well-known local artists and performers, as well as professional photographers, and experienced guides. We’ll gain insights into countries that no mere visitor could expect to see, and we’ll be part photographer, part adventurer and part angel, helping to fund medical and aid missions, where we’ll have a lasting positive effect on each country we visit.

My previous trips at Camera Voyages were something to impress your friends on Instagram. Whereas, my Camera Odysseys trips are designed to make sure you’ll never see, or photograph, the world quite the same way again. I’m very excited about our upcoming trips, and I think you will be as well.

Why did you join the community?

To Travel and to learn through Travel

What is your favorite travel destination?

USA,Cuba, Bangladesh, Asia, Africa

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Photographing the ship the Sea Cloud

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

Learn to see.
