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Campbell Hawk
Lifecycle Marketing, Lonely Planet
Member for 3 Years
Joined December 2021
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About me

Stay curious and keep exploring ✈️

5+ years in the industry: email marketing and budget travel expert

For fun you'll find me: drinking craft beer, hiking, cooking, dancing, likely singing karaoke (not all at the same time)


  • Hey Maria! I've been a digital nomad for the last 5+ years and the scene has changed drastically since the pandemic. Right now, Portugal is the top destination for nomads. Lisbon is the top within Portugal, but many of the southern beach towns are popp... show more

  • Hi everyone! It's so lovely to meet y'all 🌎 I'm from Seattle in the US but I'm a full-time digital nomad, traveling for the last 5ish years. Currently in South America this year, in Chile this month 💻I've worked in the travel industry for the last 5+ ... show more

  • I have been a BIG fan of Tortuga backpacks for the last 5 years. I am constantly singing your praises. I recommend Tortuga backpacks to anyone and everyone. If I could get a Setout and Outbreaker combination backpack, it'd be a game changer

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    Tortuga 3 years ago

  • Love it— such a refreshing approach to the classic group travel problem. Love the UX of it 🔥

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    Troupe 3 years ago


