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Sandy A.
Blogger ~ Travel Writer ~ Freelance Writer, Canadian Blog House
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Member for 10 Years
Joined February 2015
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Digital Influencer ~ Ottawa
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About me

Sandy's motto is "life is meant to be experienced".

You can find Sandy embracing life, grabbing on to all the experiences she can, and taking her readers along for the ride over at Canadian Blog House - a lifestyle, travel, and experience blog.

Sandy, who calls Ottawa home, is an Ottawa Insider travel writer for Ottawa Tourism, and a featured travel writer for the Outaouais Tourism blog. Sandy is also a regular contributor over at Life In Pleansantville.

Sandy was named by CISION as one of "Seven Canada 150 Influencers You Should Follow On Twitter"

Sandy was also named by IZEA as one of the "Top 25 Canadian Social Media Influencers"

You can find more about Sandy here: AND

