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Catalina Muñoz Mejia
Travel Consultant
Member for 4 Years
Joined February 2021
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About me

I am a passionate world traveler, blogger and photographer. I enjoy experiencing other cultures and creating new memories with others along the way. I am a proud female solo traveler inviting other courageous and brave women like me to live our best lives!

I am a free spirit, a constant learner of life, an adventurer, and an explorer with a huge heart for our world. I want to continue in this awesome journey of discovery to learn, to experience, and to bring inspiration to others.
I have traveled to 54 countries so far and have no plans to ever stop. I began my travel website in 2015 to write about my most memorable travel experiences during a 2 year RTW trip.

Why did you join the community?

Life is all about the experiences we live, create and share with others. I want to keep connecting with world travelers.

What was your first travel job?

Travel Consultant for a Tour Operator

What do you want to learn more about?

Marketing and Selling travel

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Connections, Sharing, Understanding
