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Chris Blaser
Hey, Let's Adventure!
Member for 3 Years
Joined March 2021
Verified member
United States
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About me

I help cool people do cool sh*t.

I have been traveling all over the world full-time since 2018, and world schooling my kids along the way. By far the best parts of traveling are the connections we make. We love seeing and showing our kids all the creative ways people earn, learn, and live all over the world. Recent events have shifted our lifestyle a bit, but we still try to get out as much as possible, and responsibly explore and connect with incredible people and places.

Before and during all this madness, I have run multiple small businesses, worked for companies of all shapes and sizes in growth roles such as a marketer, social media manager, project manager, developer, business development manager, and experienced many of the pitfalls that go along with all of them.

They say that an expert is one who has made every mistake possible in a narrow field of experience. By that definition, I am an expert many times over.

I love connecting on a super meaningful level and have found that I am uniquely qualified to amplify much of the cool sh*t people are already doing or trying to do. That’s a hell of a way to build meaningful, lasting relationships. If you’re into that sort of thing, let’s chat!

Why did you join the community?

I'm looking to connect with fellow travelers and like-minded organizations.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Tokyo, Japan

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Education. Culture. Understanding.
