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Dalene Heck
CEO, HMI (Hecktic Media Inc.)
🤘 Rockstar 🔥 Top 14%
Member for 10 Years
Joined February 2015
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About me

My husband and I have devoted our lives to travel and built multiple businesses:

1/ With, our nomadic travel blog, we earned honors such as Nat Geo Travelers of the Year, BlogHer Voice of the Year (twice), and once a medalist for NATJA's Best Independent Travel Blog. As our world travels have slowed, we also started,, and

2/ HMI (Hecktic Media Inc.) began in 2013, and through that we worked with many exciting travel brands to manage their social media accounts and enact new media marketing campaigns that have resulted in substantial reach. HMI Clients include Expedia, Travel Alberta,, Travel Manitoba, AAA (Club Adventures), and many more.

We returned to live in Canada in 2016 so that I could fight leukemia (and WIN). We still travel often and have been to over 60 countries.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Too hard to choose!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Northwest Passage

What was your first travel job?

A travel blogger at

