Explorer, education, adventurer, networker, salesperson, fundraiser, activist, Saggitarius, yoga instructor, fair trade enforcer, gap year educator, board member, grant writer, anthropologist, Jew-Bhu, those don't nearly sum it up but they are all great adjectives to describe Debi Goldman! Educated as an anthropologist, currently working in fair trade, I have spent most of my adult life managing non-profits, raising money and facilitating experiential education programs in South and South East Asia. Have lived in India for 6 years, came back to the States 4 years ago to figure it out here! What I've learned is that I'm nothing without my communities. I hope to be an active part of your community on a more permanent basis as well.
I run high school and university study abroad and adult experiential education programs as well as fair trade tours and am friends with Kristen Gill :-)
everywhere there are sentient beings
Tibet (never been allowed in), Macchu Picchu and Bhutan
Donor tours for Tibetan Nuns Project
Working in travel networks
open your eyes