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Debi Goldman
Executive Director & India Instructor, Ten Thousand Villages & Where There Be Dragons
Member for 8 Years
Joined January 2017
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About me

Explorer, education, adventurer, networker, salesperson, fundraiser, activist, Saggitarius, yoga instructor, fair trade enforcer, gap year educator, board member, grant writer, anthropologist, Jew-Bhu, those don't nearly sum it up but they are all great adjectives to describe Debi Goldman! Educated as an anthropologist, currently working in fair trade, I have spent most of my adult life managing non-profits, raising money and facilitating experiential education programs in South and South East Asia. Have lived in India for 6 years, came back to the States 4 years ago to figure it out here! What I've learned is that I'm nothing without my communities. I hope to be an active part of your community on a more permanent basis as well.

Why did you join the community?

I run high school and university study abroad and adult experiential education programs as well as fair trade tours and am friends with Kristen Gill :-)

What is your favorite travel destination?

everywhere there are sentient beings

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Tibet (never been allowed in), Macchu Picchu and Bhutan

What was your first travel job?

Donor tours for Tibetan Nuns Project

What do you want to learn more about?

Working in travel networks

Three words that describe why we should travel?

open your eyes

