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Dil Gurung
Founder, Alpine Ramble Treks
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Member for 6 Years
Joined August 2017
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About me

Dil Gurung as a mountain guide and leader of the Alpine Ramble Treks who was born in the mountain village of Nepal. He has experienced a decade in Travel and tourism. Since he started involving in this profession, he has been succeeding in many groups for guiding and organizing to the Himalayas with our valued clients from all over the world. Besides, he loves sharing his genuine travel experience with the people from around. He is bound to have had a passion to work in this industry from the core. The gentle, strong and passionate travel enthusiast is the key to describe him. Since childhood age, he was attracting in Nepalese tourism. Having had knowledge and experience about all of the trekking routes,

Dil has been professional in managing everything that is essentially needed. He attempts to provide the best hospitality as far as possible. Dil has got completion of his school level study from mountain school in his own village and moved to Kathmandu for his high school, he has done his graduation at travel and tourism from Kathmandu University.

Likewise, Dil has approved his communications skill in English very highly and fluently. He is very familiar with every trekking route of Everest, Annapurna, Langtang, Ganesh Himal, Manaslu and Dolpo regions in Nepal. Firstly, He started his tourism career with different trekking companies as an assistant manager and trekking guide, has received standards and international level training from recognized bodies like Nepal Academy Travel and Hotel Management (NATHM) and Kathmandu Environment Education Project (KEEP). After completing these high-level pieces of training from Government and local organizations then onwards, he holds the leadership guide license. He is a certified Guide. This training extremely helped him understand tourism even more.

Noticeably, he has fluency in German, English, and Hindi languages that help him tune-up with tourists with any of these native languages.

"Be the peace you wish to see in the world!" M. L. K.

Why did you join the community?

I would love to share our amazing travel experiencing to the world!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Everest base camp NEPAL

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

As travel consulted manager

What do you want to learn more about?

the life of the world

Three words that describe why we should travel?

For fun, fit and healthy

