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Doni Belau
Founder & CEO, Girls' Guide to Paris
🔥 Top 14%
Member for 5 Years
Joined March 2019
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About me

I started Girls' Guide to in 2009 and have been running my gals-only tours to France and beyond for 4 years now. I do women-only tours because I find that we women connect effortlessly and I am passionate about experiencing the act of bringing women together from all around the world, different ages and demographic groups and meeting in France or elsewhere as strangers but after a week together we always leave as friends. We learn so much about one another and my ladies stay in touch and often come on another tour with me. We women can truly create magic together!

Why did you join the community?

I like to connect with other travel professionals because I am adept at creating partnerships that help both parties.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

This one, I started my company in 2009 after a long stint in the Not for Profit and Political world as a fundraiser. Previously I was inthe film business and a producer.

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

Discovery, knowledge, connection

