I think I was born with the travel gene. Both my parents carried this disease and I clearly inherited it. When I was in college, I read Europe of $5 a Day like it was a novel. Then re-read it and dog-eared it and marked it up. My first trip to Europe, expected to last 6-8 weeks (or until the money ran out) ended up being almost two years. And I never looked back. Now I travel, I write, I take pictures, I blog. My blog focuses on travel, primarily but not solely independent travel, for mature women, my own Baby Boomer generation. We are one of the largest and fastest growing demographics in the travel industry. And we don't travel like our moms and grandmothers did. We are healthier, better educated, more adventurous, more curious. We are setting new rules for mature women's travel. I want to empower these women with information, tips and inspiration to get up, get out and see the world.
Travel Writer
To Expand Worldview