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Dr. Parvathy Venugopal
CEO, GreenEscape Oy
Member for 4 Years
Joined July 2020
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About me

I am an international environmental researcher and professional-turned-ecotourism entrepreneur (CEO, GreenEscape Oy), who is a passionate traveller wanting to inspire and be inspired to create a niche for sustainable and responsible traveling. I am in the path of creating my own niche in the world of interdisciplinary approaches by breaking the conventional 'researcher stereotype'. Getting to combine two areas genuinely close to my heart - traveling and nature, and turning it into own enterprise has been truly life-changing for me. I consider myself fortunate to be finally able to connect India and Finland, worlds apart, but two countries I call home. Meanwhile, meeting incredibly resourceful, passionate, and open-minded people from all realms of life is just cherry on the top.

GreenEscape Ltd is a Finland-based Destination Management Company (DMC). We focus on experiential traveling to relatively undisturbed and undervisited areas of immense natural, cultural and historical significance for a wholesome travel experience in the host destination. We aspire to redefine and rebrand the concept of "sustainable tourism", which has turned into a β€˜β€™buzzword’’ currently into a solid and practical yet fun and sumptuous rewilding experience for everyone.

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