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Eduardo Outeiral
CEO, Founder, Fundacion Explora
Member for 3 Years
Joined June 2021
Verified member
San Isidro
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About me

I´m a Marketing expert. I have worked for Unilever and a large multimedia conglomerate in South America but always had my heart in tourism so in 1997 I joined Explora Foundation, created by my brother Alex, which, through tourism educates and executes voluntourism projects to bring help to many isolated communities in need, located in tourism potential areas throughout Argentina.
In 2001 I founded a DMC "Far Away & Long Ago" to bring high end global tourists to South America.
In 2008 I wrote "South America´s Best", considered by many world travel agents "the best book to understand and organize 5 star trips to South America".
I have organized some of the craziest tours to South America including exclusive trips for many Hollywood stars, billonaires and world famous sportsmen.
I always kept on studying marketing and tourism and in 2011 I was hired by one of the largest local tourism marketing consulting firms as a tourism marketing strategy specialist for government and luxury hotel projects.
In 2018 I founded Argentina´s first tourism think tank and consultancy firm "Haciendo Destinos" as a division of our Explora Foundation. Since then we have designed a dozen tourism projects for provinces, corporations and Argentina´s national goverment.
I am about to release my second book "Haciendo Destinos y Empleos" (Creating Destinations and Jobs) which is a 450 page of worldwide and Argentina tourism facts plus the basis of a strategic plan to grow Argentina´s Tourism Industry X 6 (six) and create 1MM jobs.

Why did you join the community?

To share ideas and learn from colleagues and share my content and books that I´ve written.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Hotel Concierge

What do you want to learn more about?

Visitor Centers

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Learn, Development, Peace
