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Elmay Bouwer
Business Owner and Communications Manager, Self-Employed
Member for 7 Years
Joined April 2017
Verified member
3 events
Knysna, Western Cape
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About me

Elmay moved to Knysna in December 2012 and bought Blackwaters River Lodge (20 bedroom 4 star guest house with spa, restaurant and river / water activities) in June 2013 with partner Paul Theron (civil engineer). Elmay is responsible for the marketing, PR and communication and building strategic relationships with the various tourism and business stakeholders and role players.

It is her passion for tourism and the believe her mother taught her “to flower where you are planted” that motivated her to make herself available to serve on the Knysna & Partners Tourism Board last year. At present she is the Chairperson of the Board and very committed to overcome challenges and take on the destination marketing of this beautiful area and towns in the garden route!

During the Knysna Fires in 2017 Elmay lost her home as well of half of their business. But as a proud SKAL member she continued to despite her own loss of a home and income, to put the Knysna community and town first in all her marketing efforts.

Elmay recently received the Karl Twiggs Award from SKAL South Africa for her passionate contribution to tourism.

Why did you join the community?

To share and hear experiences and business tips from fellow role players in the tourism and hospitality experience. To have peers to discuss trends

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Walter Sisulu University

What do you want to learn more about?

Negotiating rates and contracts with operators

Three words that describe why we should travel?

opens up your mind