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Folarin Tella
Founder, Tembelia
Member for 5 Years
Joined October 2019
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8 events
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About me

I'm Folarin Tella, a tourism enthusiast who is interested in learning for about Tourism. I studied Accounting but i have been working as a Digital Marketing Executive for about 4 years. I would like to learn more about Tourism industry, explore viable opportunities and also network with veterans in the industry.

Why did you join the community?

I will like like to learn more about the tourism industry and network with individuals in this industry

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Santorini, Greece

What was your first travel job?

Digital Marketing Intern

What do you want to learn more about?

Tourism Industry and the opportunities present

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Adventure, Learning and Networking

