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Nathan Aguilera
Publisher, Foodie Flashpacker
🚀 Top 4%
Member for 9 Years
Joined February 2016
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About me

I've been solo traveling the world for nearly 10 years now, remote working for eight of those ten years. I'm a dual-citizen (USA/Mexico) and tend to spend the majority of my time between Latin America in the winters and Europe in the summers.

I run a food-focused travel blog (Foodie Flashpacker). I'm obsessed with all things food/wine/craft beer related and I'm also into scuba diving, points hacking, true crime and I'm currently trying to learn Spanish.

Why did you join the community?


What is your favorite travel destination?

anywhere with a beach

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Fiji, Seychelles, Finland in the winter for the northern lights.

What was your first travel job?


What do you want to learn more about?

networking, SEO, press trips, social media, content development, everything...

Three words that describe why we should travel?

understand, experience, taste

