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Gabby Beckford
Packs Light
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Member for 5 Years
Joined June 2019
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About me

Gabby Beckford is the young travel blogger, content creator, and Gen Z marketing strategist behind the travel blog Packs Light ( During college, she won more than $75,000 in scholarships which allowed her to study for one year in Dubai, UAE at no personal cost, and ultimately to graduate with her Mathematics degree completely debt-free.

In the 2 years since then, she has visited her 31st country, delivered a TEDx talk and spoken at travel conferences for HIUSA and WITS, and helped send young adults to countries like Egypt and Azerbaijan for free through the funded travel opportunities she shares weekly in her newsletter of 2000+ young travelers. Her words can be found in publications such as the Lonely Planet, the Huffington Post, Essence, and BusinessInsider.

Gabby uses her website Packs Light as an all-inclusive travel resource to empower young people to seek risk, seize opportunity, and see the world. Find her on Instagram ( and TikTok ( too!

Why did you join the community?

I want to join to find travel inspiration during COVID-19!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Dubai, UAE

Where do you dream of traveling to?


