Gabi Sandler
Publicist, DCI
Joined 15 days ago
Member since September 2024
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About me

Gabi blends her writing, public relations and social media experience to implement destination marketing campaigns that target Canadian and U.S. travelers. In addition to marketing to English-speaking travelers, she specializes in targeting the French-Canadian market.

A Canadian with South African roots, Gabi has made the journey back to the motherland every single year – a total of 25 times! Growing up the daughter of immigrants, Gabi recognized the beauty of travel and started exploring the world at an early age. She has been fortunate to tour, volunteer and explore a variety of places. After university, Gabi visited 15 countries in eight months, learning about local communities and trying anything that would give her that exhilarating “culture shock.”

Outside of her work, Gabi is never one to turn down an adventure yet knows that there’s no place like home. She loves to explore diverse neighborhoods and uncover where the locals like to hang out. Gabi will bus, bike or even walk for however long it takes to get somewhere that she has her heart set on.