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Tikva Looijen
Owner en Blogger, Gezin op Reis
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Joined February 2015
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About me

Before we became parents we were lucky enough to already see a big part of the world (check: Were we have been). We took a 9-month round the world trip, climbed Kilimanjaro for our honeymoon and snorkeled with whale sharks in the Philippines. But when we became parents we found it pretty hard to find the information we were looking for “what kind of formula is available in Iceland” or “What are the best playground in Luxembourg”. This is when we decided to share our own tips online.

We are not full-time travelers but just a regular family that has to make the most of our weekends and holidays. Our favorite regions for a 3-week holiday are Latin America, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. We combine this with short holidays and weekends away in Europe and in our home country, the Netherlands. We usually travel independently and depending on the amount of time and the region we make hotel reservations and book tours or just go with the flow. Once upon a time we used to be budget backpackers but now we are looking for the best price/quality experience. Our main interests are city trips, museums, diving, walking and nature. But we also have our own favorite activities. For Marcel this would be cycling, while Tikva loves history related stuff and our daughter is happiest when animals and playgrounds are included.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Europe, Americas, Middle East and Asia

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Easter Island

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Fun, Adventure, Inspiration

