My name is Lina, an independent travel planner and trip designer with a specialty focus in European travel destinations. For as long as I can remember, I have had an insatiable wanderlust and a desire to explore the world. I truly believe that travel is good for the soul and the best way to live life. When we travel, we discover more about ourselves, and we leave little pieces of our hearts in our most favorite places around the world.
Why am I so passionate about Europe? With its old world charm, rich history, idyllic landscapes, and diverse culture, I have been enamored with European travel for as long as I can remember. My first trip abroad was to Germany in 2009, and I have since returned to Europe several times, most notably including travels to Italy, Spain, Austria, and the Czech Republic.
My travels have a strong focus on adventure, history, culture, authenticity, and immersive experiences. My goal is to inspire you to explore the world with bountiful curiosity and wanderlust.
Let's adventure together.
To connect with other travel professionals for the purpose of networking and professional development
Europe, NYC, Theme Parks
Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii
Created my own travel planning business, Go Wander Travel Co.
Monetizing blog; marketing business
Inspiration, growth, culture