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Veronica James
AKA The GypsyNesters - Founders of, Authors, Speakers, Writers, Full-time Travelers,
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Joined February 2015
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About me

In 2008, when we launched our youngest of three children off to college, we had what we call our "now what?" moment. There was a big empty nest looming over our heads (and it certainly didn't help when we Googled "empty nest" and a big ad for an Alzheimer's patch popped up!).

So we chose to look our next phase of life as a beginning instead of an ending. Rather than staying put and facing the constant reminders of empty bedrooms and backseats, we sold the nest and hit the highway.

Our website, was initially meant to keep family and friends abreast of our goings-on (an offshoot of my techie ways), so we were surprised when kindred spirits outside of family and friends started following our adventures.

Fast forward eight years and we now have branched out to world travel and are writing about the empty nest lifestyle as well. After numerous prods from our readers to write a book, Going Gypsy:One Couple’s Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All was born (Skyhorse Publishing, 2015)

Filled with a sense of adventure and humor, Going Gypsy is the story of a life after raising kids that is a celebration of new experiences. Pulling the ripcord on the daily grind, we threw caution to the wind, quit our jobs, put on our vagabond shoes, and went gypsy in a beat-up old RV we found on eBay. But could a homebody helicopter mom learn to let go of her heartstrings and house keys all at once?

On a journey of over ten thousand miles along the back roads of America (and a hysterical, error-infused side trip into Italy), we conquer old fears, see new sights, reestablish bonds with family and friends, and transform our relationships with our three grown children from parent-child to adult-to-adult.

Most importantly, we rediscovered in ourselves the fun-loving youngsters who fell in love three decades prior.

Our journey is made all the more joyful when folks let us know how they are Going Gypsy - not by being as crazy as we are - but by finding their own way past the "now what?" moment and discovering new horizons in this phase of life.

We're honored every time we hear that we were the kick-in-the-butt inspiration that was needed to follow a dream!

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meet and network with other travelers
