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Hitesh Mehta Friba Fasla Faak
Founder and President, HM Design
Member for 4 Years
Joined July 2020
Verified member
Fort Lauderdale
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About me

Hitesh is a Protected Area Physical Planner, Landscape Architect, Architect, Interior Architect, and is an author of three books, including “Authentic Ecolodges” by world renowned publisher - Harper Collins. Hitesh is considered by his peers as one of the world’s leading authorities, practitioners and researchers on sustainable tourism/ecotourism physical master planning and both the landscape architectural and architectural aspects of ecolodges. Hitesh has vast experience in Protected Area Physical Planning and has worked on Integrated Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism Plans that protect the last remaining endangered species. Hitesh has over 33 years’ experience, having worked and consulted in 65 countries on six continents. He is the go-to ecolodge consultant for National Geographic Traveller Magazine.

He is one of the co-founders of both the Global Ecotourism Network and Ecotourism Kenya and before resigning, was the longest serving Board Member of The International Ecotourism Society. In July 2006, National Geographic Adventure magazine identified Hitesh as one of five Sustainable Tourism Pioneers in the world. He has been featured / interviewed / mentioned in over 180 international magazines, newspapers, books, newsletters and blogs. Mr. Mehta is also an Adjunct Professor, a Professional Photographer and a Hall of Fame Cricket Player of Kenya.

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