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Jacob Jay
Community architect, Coliving.Community
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Member for 1 Year
Joined February 2024
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About me

Tech–Design–Ecosystems (Community). Smelly cheese, spicy food, salads. Public transport, mountain biking. More peripatetic than nomadic. Slow, philosophy, artisanalism, natural materials. Founded a (the first?) blended coliving/coworking, Delhi 2010.

Why did you join the community?

Travel opens horizons; the sector is changing at pace alongside lifestyles. It's super interesting to keep an eye on things, and anyone who travels knows that's super overwhelming to be blasted with new things non-stop, so a bit of a filter should be nice. ;)

What is your favorite travel destination?

How can anyone have a favourite? I'm flabbergasted!

What was your first travel job?

My mother enrolled me as a nomad from birth and I read the maps.😅

Three words that describe why we should travel?

To burn bridges. Oh wait, that might make travel a bit trickier. Hmmm. You know what I mean. Knowledge is free.
