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Jasmine Cook
Member for 8 Years
Joined December 2015
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About me

I am a creative communications and marketing leader with more than 12 years' experience in media relations, social media, integrated marketing and publishing.

Currently Director of Public Relations and Communications for Four Seasons Hotel Sydney, I have specialised in the tourism, hospitality and events sectors since 2006.

Most recently, I was part of the pre-opening team to launch InterContinental Sydney Double Bay in the capacity of PR and Communications Manager. I've also worked with Destination NSW, InterContinental Hotels Group, Tahiti Tourisme, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and magazine.

In 2015, I was awarded Communications Associate of the Year in the HM Awards for Accommodation Excellence.

Why did you join the community?

I'd like to network, get to know more people, discuss like challenges and successes.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Assistant Editor, magazine
