Hi there stranger!!
Since you're stalking my profile, let me tell you a little story.......
Since waaaayy back in school days, I’ve wanted to excel in Travel & Tourism. Sadly, when I left school I never really got the opportunity to do what I really wanted to. Just after my 21st Birthday something amazing happened - I had found a job which I had the privilege of travelling Africa. 4 years had past and I had grown myself within that company but got to a peak where I have gotten bored and couldn’t excel any higher. I wasn’t going to settle for that, so I started my job hunt and finally the AMAZING Private Safaris came across my path and employed me as their Procurement Systems Administrator. This is where my knowledge in the tourism sector began. I have been in Tourism for a year now and don’t ever see myself leaving the industry. My goals have been set and soon, very soon, my dream will become a reality. 😊
Now go and SMASH that FOLLOW button if you enjoyed this amazing little story. Also, go ahead and follow me on Instagram @Jayze9
Also, please follow our company page
Travel & Tourism is my passion & I see an oppertunity to connect with all the people within the sector
Systems Admin
Travel & Tourism
Educational, Eye-Opener, Better-Perspective