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Jeanine Consoli
Freelance writer, Jeanine Consoli Travels
Member for 7 Years
Joined November 2017
Verified member
13 events
I grew up in Fort Lee, New Jersey and spent my entire childhood in New York. Once I graduated from college, I worked in advertising for eight years in various capacities. I live an hour from New York but visit regularly as I am a New Yorker.
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About me

I am a freelance travel writer, photographer, and foodie based in Washington Crossing, PA. I wrote for magazines in 1992 as an intern and later as an employee, but had to find work when my editor lost her job. I became an elementary school teacher and taught LA, and writing. I used my summers to travel because that is my passion. I kept journals of all the destinations I explored. Today, I am working as a writer full-time. I love uncovering the history and understanding of the culture of each location, including the local flavors of each unique place. I traveled to many states in the United States and several cities in Europe. I am excited to keep adding to the list, finding special places that are off the beaten path both at home and abroad.

Why did you join the community?

I have a passion for travel and I would like to connect to this community for work and for collaboration.

What is your favorite travel destination?

I love Europe and plan to travel to Germany in December.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

I dream of traveling to Japan, India, and Australia.

What was your first travel job?

I wrote a travel piece for travel to Beaufort South Carolina.

What do you want to learn more about?

I want to learn about how to publish in high end print publications.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Enrichment, Understanding, Appreciaten

