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John McMillen
Trade Marketing Manager, InsideJapan & InsideAsia Tours
🤘 Rockstar 🔥 Top 8%
Member for 6 Years
Joined September 2018
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15 events
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About me

I'm an avid hiker, lover of unique experiences and cultures. Altogether I've spent 7 years living and working in Japan, and currently work for Inside Travel Group developing our relationships and training the travel trade on our InsideJapan and InsideAsia Tours brands. I have 2 young daughters and am also a home brewer.

Why did you join the community?

Interested in connecting with like-minded travelers in the area, exploring business opportunities, and being involved in the travel community.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Norfolk Island

What was your first travel job?

Travel Consultant

What do you want to learn more about?

Health & Wellness

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Discovery, Connection, Perspective


  • Great question! Would be great if we had a list of companies who are members to compare with the list of exhibitors.

  • Hey Juliana, thanks for the shout! I'll be there as well both days, repping InsideAsia at the Korea Tourism Organization booth. Come say 'hi'!

  • Hey welcome to town! I lived in Broomfield for a while. Enjoyed Paris Banh Mi on 120th often. Burns Pub is a unique one next to Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport. Enless great places as you expand out from Broomfield in Lafayette, Louisville, Boulder,... show more

  • So great to see this! Japan is a wonderful place for accessible travel and great to see Fukushima on the map :)

  • I've been a part of Colorado Travel Massive for several years now and have always appreciated how friendly, inclusive, welcoming, and productive the group is. Events are well-organized, fun, and I enjoy the variety of people I meet each and every time. ... show more
