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Jonathan D
Food and travel writer/speaker/content creator, YouTube: @findingfoodfluency
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Member for 3 Years
Joined May 2021
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3 events
United States
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About me

Hi everyone, I'm Jonathan, nomadic ambler, airport navigator, and most importantly, ravenous eater. Hope you are all healthy and safe out there.

Early in my travel days, my goal wasn't to check off countries, but to use as many metro systems and airports as possible. In addition to food, architecture, and studying foreign languages, I've got a thing for travel infrastructure (e.g. the Moscow metro is priceless).

After having lived in Tokyo, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Jakarta, and Jeddah, and traveled enough to have visited two places called Mecca, I decided (in late May 2021) it was time to start, a site devoted to sharing my passion for gastronomy tourism. Though I'm bootstrapping at the moment, once certain parts of the world open up, I will be able to greatly expand the ambit of food news, videos, travel podcasts, photos, and other culinary content.

With that deluge of information having been spilled, I hope to meet some of you soon!
Jonathan / ジョナサン / 薑内森 / Jonatán

Why did you join the community?

Among other reasons, I would like to exchange stories and business ideas with my peers, and to learn more about what motivates every individual to travel. My personalized passport stamp backpack, notebook, and phone case:

What is your favorite travel destination?

Asking a TravelMassive member for a favorite destination? Tough! Though Tokyo is nearly always on my mind.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Iran is easily #1, followed in no order by the Hoggar Mountains, Laojun Mountain, Caddo Lake, and Paramaribo.

What was your first travel job?

I was a college intern with the Convention Sales department of NYC & Company, New York City's convention and tourism bureau.

What do you want to learn more about?

market penetration, conferences, and apps for on-the-spot editing

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Kaizen, Education, Flavor


