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Julia Theiler
Blogger, Julias Journeyz - a Travel and Minimalism Blog
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Member for 5 Years
Joined March 2020
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About me

My name is Julia Beatrice - and I am passionate about inspiring people with full-time jobs to travel more often.

My topics are Traveling and Minimalism. For me, Minimalism means making decisions based on what you really need instead of getting everything you want. In my opinion, this concept goes well together with traveling, because when you travel, you also pack only the necessary things.

While travelwriting, I use my journalistic experience to provide interesting infos and useful tips. I love the sea, waves and endless horizons. I try to avoid flights, whenever it is possible, and discover Europe instead. Plus, I like journeys to our nearby forests, rivers and landscapes.

With my Blog Julias Journeyz, I am running a part-time business.

Why did you join the community?

..because of networking, learning from others, and give advice when needed. Travel massive is cool, glad to met virtually during itb Berlin.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Europe -here Scandinavia, France; .. and USA/Canada

Where do you dream of traveling to?

South Africa

What was your first travel job?

Content Creating for Brands

What do you want to learn more about?

Nomad working and living, Sustainability

Three words that describe why we should travel?

We should travel to deep dive into a place, talk to people, find out more about the history and culture of a region - and make a former spot an a map a living place ❤


  • Hi Becca, what a nice plan. I have been traveling 7 times to Scandinavia and provide "Most beautiful places in Scandinavia: 25 must-see places!" on my blog. Hope, it helps. Safe travels, Julia