In my twenties, I was a scuba diving instructor to teach how to dive and guide underwater to international divers in 6 countries. Especially the life in the small island Sipadan in Malaysia, Madan in Papua New Guinea and the Maldives was a great time. It was just an amazing life in heaven.
In my thirty, I changed my workplace from the underwater to the land. I was an international tour guide to escort and guide lots of Japanese tourists to literally all over the world.
After I have traveled almost all over the world and lived in 6 countries, I have tried and seen lots of world top class adventure and destinations. Therefore, I can tell you with confidence, Hokkaido is one of the best and amazing destinations! I never ever seen such a school of killer whales in my diving instructor life! but here in Shiretoko! It because of the super-rich ocean!
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All the pacific islands
Dive master/ Japanese liaison at Small diving resort in Malaysia
Sustainable travel
To Enjoy life, To Discover new, To Fulfill life