Nurtured in Malaysian Borneo, currently based in Singapore as a web developer and occasional trip guide, while traveling through motorbike trips and hiking adventures. Looking to connect slow independent travel style with the world by blogging about my stories - and see how the smallest things bring joy to others.
I love to see what others are doing to encourage mindful travel.
Europe - more specifically Iceland was a deep favourite.
Mongolia and South America and more Europe
Marketing travel services
Somewhere in Southeast Asia :) Or the city where it all began.
3653 days if you count those 29 Feb in the past 3 leap years 😁 Congrats, Ian! You're an inspiration!
I have played at the thought of using Discord for travel blogging, but never did get around to attempting it. However, I'm a huge fan of Polarsteps - I'm an early adopter of the app. I simple create my trip, let it track where I go, and then come back l... show more
Member Poll: Travel Journals 10 months ago
Hi Jason, happy to have you around! I might be missing out on meeting you since I'm going to be away from June for at least a couple of months, but would look forward to meeting you after if there's an opportunity :)
Singapore Travel Massive 10 months ago
Hi all! While I'm working on updating my blog with more stories and experiences from my travels, I started recording audio blog for entries that are more personal, talking about aspects that intertwine with travel such as mental wellbeing, environmental... show more
A Head Full of Travel 1 year ago