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Karma Sangay Phuntsho
Founder & Managing Director, Bhutan Acorn Tours and Travel
Member for 4 Years
Joined October 2020
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About me

I am the founder and Managing Director of Bhutan Acorn Tours and Travel, a licensed inbound tour operator located in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. I love to travel myself and have lived in 4 countries within the last 17 years; Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), USA (New York City), Lebanon (Beirut) and Thailand (Bangkok). I am passionate about helping other travel enthusiasts to plan an amazing trip to Bhutan, a small Kingdom of incredible natural beauty and one of the last places on Earth with a living ancient culture.

Why did you join the community?

I want to join because I want to share my knowledge about tourism in Bhutan and also learn from the international experts

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