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Kartik Gaggar
Founder, CEO, Rajasthan Studio
Member for 4 Years
Joined April 2020
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About me

At any given time, there are at least a thousand great ideas in a million different minds. One of them becomes a business because of great execution. I am a staunch believer of this thought and it pushes me to explore the world and meet people of knowledge, people of ideas. I aspire to collaborate with people and add value to great ideas in terms of capital, knowledge and expertise. I understand business and I am out to engineer successful ventures. With a child-like passion and curiosity I am traveling to listen and learn.
I am an organized human being. My ability to compartmentalize and express reflects in all my endeavors. I see numbers in everything and it gives me the superpower to discover connections and equations that make a difference. God is in details and I live by it. I believe in thorough research. My work and travels have given me the ability to connect and have a meaningful conversation with anyone. I am constantly absorbing, calculating, hypothesizing and validating as I travel. I believe that each moment lived is an investment towards happiness.

The world is scattered with dots that, if connected well, can create impacting businesses. I am one and I am looking out to meet and learn from others. I would love to connect if you think we have much to share or grab a coffee and talk shop. And if not for work, we will still have many stories to share.

Why did you join the community?

To be a part of this wonderful community of travelers, travel professionals & travel lovers. To learn about the whats happening around the world. To share, connect & promote authentic travel experiences in Rajasthan (India) through Rajasthan Studio.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Bali, Israel and Barcelona.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Bahamas, Mexico and Japan

What was your first travel job?

Taking care of travel arrangements for my family (itinerary, ticketing)

What do you want to learn more about?

AI and VR based travel solutions.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Learn, Unlearn and Create.
