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Katerina Tsitsipi
Co-Founder/Partner, LIVIN' and LOVIN' it in Greece (LIVIN' LOVIN')
Member for 9 Years
Joined February 2016
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About me

I have been teaching Greek to foreigners for more than 20 years but during all this time I have been providing, except for the language, or better, along with the language, all sorts of information that foreigners needed. But not only that! We try to help ex-pats and their families and visitors to adapt to the new way of life and to inform them about spare time activities, events, and holidays in Greece.
Languages spoken: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian

Why did you join the community?

I am wiling to hear about expieriences of others, colaborate, co-work, extend our activities/services

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Nordic countries

What was your first travel job?

I am travelling for leisure

What do you want to learn more about?

People's way of life, customs and habits

Three words that describe why we should travel?

To broaden your horizons

