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Katie Aune
Director of Philanthropy, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
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Joined August 2023
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About me

I am a recovering tax attorney who has worked in nonprofit and higher ed fundraising for more than a decade while also dabbling in travel blogging and writing. Despite not traveling overseas for the first time until I was 25, I have been to nearly 70 countries and all seven continents. I am currently the director of philanthropy for the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya.

Born and raised in Minnesota, I am currently based in Washington, D.C. and have a habit of rooting for sports teams that find ways to lose in devastating fashion. I recently published a travel memoir, Finding Katya: How I Quit Everything to Backpack the Former Soviet States - the story of my 13-month journey through all 15 former Soviet states.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Georgia and Armenia
