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Keri Forbringer
Travel Coordinator, Luxury Travel Works
Member for 7 Years
Joined December 2017
Verified member
1 event
Bangor, Maine
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About me

I am a Midwest native currently located in New England. After college I spent two years teaching English in Salzburg, Austria, through Fulbright and the Austrian-American Educational Commission, where I learned German and spent my free time traveling anywhere and everywhere. I returned to the US to get my Master's in Tourism Administration, with a focus in Sustainable Destination Development, from the George Washington University. Now, after spending some time consulting on the destination side of things and working in the world of startups, I design custom trips as a Virtuoso Travel Coordinator through Travel Experts to help others travel the world.

Why did you join the community?

I want to be a larger part of the travel community in New England

