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Kyle Green
Founder, Ubuntu Travel
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Member for 3 Years
Joined August 2020
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Newport Beach
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About me

Kyle Green, affectionately known as the “Bucket List Curator” at Ubuntu Travel, was originally born in South Africa and spent the first 6 years of his childhood in Johannesburg before immigrating to Southern California with his family. It was during Kyle’s childhood that some of his earliest and fondest memories of going on safari began, and when his affinity for all things Africa was first realized: its rich wildlife, people, and cultures. Since moving to the States, Kyle has made numerous trips back to the bush to continue exploration and to visit family.

Working in the professional athlete representation industry taught Kyle firsthand the importance of building strong trust-based relationships. After planning and leading a trip for his clients to South Africa in 2014, Kyle recognized the impact he could make on other’s lives through travel, while also sharing in the knowledge of a place he holds so dear. Serving as a vehicle through which he would eventually create Ubuntu Travel, Kyle is inspired to help clients experience the magic of Africa and make lifelong memories in the same way he has. This feeds seamlessly into Kyle and Ubuntu Travel’s mantra to not only care for each other, but for the planet as a whole. Inspired by the true meaning of the word Ubuntu, “I am because we are”, Ubuntu Travel is committed to partnering with organizations throughout Africa in order to help maintain the delicate balance between local communities, wildlife, and natural resources.

Ubuntu Travel partners with indigenous communities throughout Africa to help maintain the delicate balance between local communities, wildlife, and natural resources. Kyle and the Ubuntu Travel team remain dedicated to minimal environmental impact while working to affect positive change, promote conservation and enrich lives throughout every journey.

Now making a home in Newport Beach with his wife and fellow Ubuntu Travel co-founder, Leah and their daughter, Charlie, Kyle looks forward to exploring more of Africa in the years to come and returning to the places that have created some of his greatest memories.

Why did you join the community?

To network within the industry and learn how to scale my business

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